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  1. TideRollsInPa

    Grubb to be next OC at Bama per ESPN

    Heck, you can take me back to '92 with 4 yds and a cloud of dust.
  2. TideRollsInPa

    Grubb to be next OC at Bama per ESPN

    I can only wonder where we would be right now if we would've left the USF adjustment alone in 2023...
  3. TideRollsInPa

    Pick the score: Alabama vs Michigan

    28-21 This one gets close late. RTR
  4. TideRollsInPa

    Question: What’s the formula for success in the NIL era?

    Pay and keep the best OL, DL and QB money can buy. The rest...3 stars.
  5. TideRollsInPa

    Off Season Topic/CNS's Future

    Personally, I do not think he will ever coach again. To me, he looks very content and he's actually pretty good at what he is doing now. He is the only reason that I watch that show again. Just my two cents.
  6. TideRollsInPa

    BREAKING Bill Belichick to become UNC coach

    A bit surprising but maybe he is trying to set up his son as HC in waiting.
  7. TideRollsInPa

    Poll: Postseason Fan Choice Poll on Tidefans!

    I root for the uniform, not the lank. Always did, always will. I'll take the playoffs every time.
  8. TideRollsInPa

    This Alabama Team belongs in the 12 Team Playoff

    No question in my mind, Alabama is one of the top 11 teams in the country.
  9. TideRollsInPa

    What could have caused this Auburn player to knock himself down

    They weren't play at Jordan Hare
  10. TideRollsInPa

    Is there a scenario where we still back into the playoffs?

    I know it's been a down/transitional year, but is Alabama not one of the best 11 teams in the country? Put them in.
  11. TideRollsInPa

    Pick the score: Alabama vs Oklahoma

    27-10 RollTide
  12. TideRollsInPa

    POLL: Who Should Be QB1 Starting With Mizzou?

    Give the people what they want. Ty Simpson should start.
  13. TideRollsInPa

    Bama Game Thread: Official Game Thread - Bama @ Vols, 1st Half, 2:30 PM, ABC...

    Is this really the best QB we have on our roster?
  14. TideRollsInPa

    Pick the score: Alabama vs Tennessee

    41-37 Alabama. RollTide
  15. TideRollsInPa

    How long does the gun thing go on the football field?

    Just keep throwing 15 yard flags. It will stop.
  16. TideRollsInPa

    Gripe all you want (about the defense)…

    Even a blind squirrel finds an acorn once in awhile
  17. TideRollsInPa

    Gripe all you want (about the defense)…

    This defense is horrendous
  18. TideRollsInPa

    Pick the Score: Alabama vs USCe

    48-27 Alabama. RollTide

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