Hello everyone, the 2012 College Football Bowl Season is nearly upon us. Nothing makes the bowl season more fun than participating in Yahoo Sports Bowl Pick-em with a group of friends.
Some of you may remember last years contest and the great prizes offered to the winners. TideFans.com is once again willing to put up prizes for the persons who show the highest College Football IQ. Here's how it works -
The total prize money depends on the number of people that enter. BamaNation is offering $2 for every person that enters up to $600 total purse with the prize breakdown as follows:
1st - 50% of purse
2nd - 25% of purse
3rd - 15% of purse
4th - 10% of purse
*Please only one entry per person*
*All Prizes Will Be Given In The Form Of A Gift Certificate To The TideFans.com Store*
*Gift Certificates Will Be E-mailed To The Winners After The Bowl Season Concludes*
Last years winners can tell you how much fun it was to purchase the latest and greatest Bama Gear at the TideFans.com Store.
Just like last years contest the last place finisher will take home a $25.00 TideFans.com Gift Certificate. So don't give up if you start out slow.
As soon as the Bowl Matchups are announced a link to the contest will be provided. Be sure to watch this board for updates. This years pick-em will be against the spread. Confidence points tend to confuse some players so we'll keep it simple.
Maybe one of the kind staff members could fix the thread title for me? My keyboard is acting up. Thanks