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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Says respect the man, but cannot spell the actual man's name. Oh and his "billiant" coach needed a 12 team playoff to even sniff the playoffs. I don't feel like looking up if Saban would have made a 12 team playoff prior to 2003.
And it ignores that Saban built the programs where he won. As good as Day is, he was 'born on third base'.


FB|NS|NSNP Moderator
Staff member
Mar 15, 2003
Hooterville, Vir.
You should ignore Cardale Jones. Ohio State fans do.
Day has a strange record.
He built a pretty good team and a good staff this year, and won a championship, but still found a way to lose to That School Up North. Somebody on the board had pointed out, Day (or Ohio State) has a mental block about them like Georgia has one about Alabama. It is one of those things that is hard to figure out.
Anyway, I respect what Day has accomplished and I think he is worthy of respect.
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