Question: Do you think Nick will meet with DeBoer after the season?


FB Moderator
Staff member
Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
It is public knowledge that the university is paying Saban $500,000 per year to serve in some capacity. Granted, I do not know what all that entails but he must be doing something of value to pay him half a million dollars per year. My guess is he probably does things to raise money, maybe does speaking engagements for the university, etc.

One of the most recent times Nick was asked if he speaks with CKD and/or the staff he said "no". He basically said he stays out of their way unless they come to him. I do wonder if at some point this offseason Nick is going to sit down with CKD and have a lengthy conversation about what he saw during the season from his vantage point. I think it would be valuable information for CKD to do that. If not, I think it would be an enormous missed opportunity for CKD and staff.


1st Team
Aug 13, 2024
Having a mentor with knowledge of the program is invaluable. Having the former coach meddling in the program can be a land mine. It is a slippery slope and can either pay huge dividends or be an issue. All depends how CKD views it and how CNS handles it. I hope it is done in a way that adds value to our current staff and players. I think CKD has the personality characteristics where he won't let his ego get in the way. I also think CNS loves the school and team enough that he will do what's right as well. Time will tell.


FB Moderator
Staff member
Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
Having a mentor with knowledge of the program is invaluable. Having the former coach meddling in the program can be a land mine. It is a slippery slope and can either pay huge dividends or be an issue. All depends how CKD views it and how CNS handles it. I hope it is done in a way that adds value to our current staff and players. I think CKD has the personality characteristics where he won't let his ego get in the way. I also think CNS loves the school and team enough that he will do what's right as well. Time will tell.
Though we'll never know, it wouldn't be a good sign (IMO) if CKD didn't reach out and just ask his thoughts on what he saw during the season. Granted, just because I think that doesn't mean ultimately CKD won't succeed or anything like that. But it's not often you have open access to the greatest of all time of your profession. For someone NOT TO take advantage of it would be foolish. If it were me, I'd set up a lengthy meeting with CNS where I came in and just listened to his thoughts and suggestions and took notes. In other words, I'd let him do all the talking. I'd even have a box of Little Debbies sitting on the table for him. ;)
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PA Tide Fan

Dec 11, 2014
Lancaster, PA
They could meet but I think CKD has to take the lead and ask Saban for such a meeting. I'm sure some of the things Saban said publicly during the season about Alabama football, especially after losses on shows such as College Gameday and elsewhere were meant for CKD's ears.


FB Moderator
Staff member
Aug 15, 2004
Where ever there's BBQ, Bourbon & Football
They could meet but I think CKD has to take the lead and ask Saban for such a meeting. I'm sure some of the things Saban said publicly during the season about Alabama football, especially after losses on shows such as College Gameday and elsewhere were meant for CKD's ears.
There's no doubt some of the things he said were directed toward CKD and staff. After the Vanderbilt loss, he said they played without respect for the other team and with arrogance.


Hall of Fame
Sep 18, 2002
Nah, CKD is the $10 million man at the Capstone these days. Coach has an open door policy of course but DeBoer will have to reach out to him if he wants mentorship. Not sure anything Nick can say to him to make him change his ways at this juncture.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
I think it's possible.

I also think it's possible that Nick's insight, valuable as it might be in some areas, has been tainted a bit by what he left DeBoer to deal with. And while I agree with those here who say that CNS probably wouldn't have lost to vandy or the dirt burglars, I also don't know to what extent those losses might have stemmed from the very issues the CKD inherited.

Again, possible, but I just don't know.


Hall of Fame
Sep 30, 2011
Huntsville, Al
I do know Wommack reaches out to Nick a lot to discuss defense and I believe that's why Defense started playing better as the season went on.

I do think that CKD is going to meet with CNS a lot throughout the spring and summer to discuss few things. I don't think it'll be scheme wise, but more of life in general and handling some things within the program.

What needs to be discussed:
1) Maintaining the culture to where it's respected.
2) Not allowing assistants to speak to media. CKD needs to be one voice.
3) Go back to where Freshmen can't interview with media.
4)Handling Egos and problem players in lockerroom and laying down the rules.
5) Better music choices at the stadium.


Administrator & Editor-in-Chief
Staff member
Oct 13, 1999
There's a lot more communication between the two entities than Saban is going to admit to in any interview.

Having said that, I'd be fine with it being zero if that's what DeBoer wanted, for a handful of reasons. The first is, it never -- and I mean NEVER -- works for the last guy to come back in and direct things or even have a lot of influence on things behind the scenes, especially as long as there's anyone still working in the organization that worked for the departed guy. This isn't specific to football, it also holds true in business.

In Alabama's case, it's made even more delicate by the fact that defensively, Saban's specialty, we've moved almost completely away from his preferred system to run what we're running. It's also not like the defense performed badly this year -- total points and yardage allowed is inline with Bama's rolling average over about the last 5-7 seasons under Saban, and we ended up doing some things this year better than he had been doing in recent years (interceptions, raw pass defense, etc.).

Furthermore, the thing that was giving Saban the most trouble in his last couple of years, outside of attracting top assistants, was roster management, and I think in that regard DeBoer might actually be better. Or at least, we're now operating with a better structure (meaning Courtney Morgan and his department).

Still, they talked this year and I'm sure they'll talk going forward, but I don't think Saban is sitting on a bag of secrets that would fix everything and just waiting to be asked before revealing them to all.

Isaiah 63:1

Dec 8, 2005
Probably at 35k or in an airport somewhere
...What needs to be discussed:
1) Maintaining the culture to where it's respected.
2) Not allowing assistants to speak to media. CKD needs to be one voice.
3) Go back to where Freshmen can't interview with media.
4)Handling Egos and problem players in lockerroom and laying down the rules.
5) Better music choices at the stadium.
6) White helmets

Keep it going ;)


Hall of Fame
Feb 12, 2006
If the 2 of them put their egos aside with the mission of making Alabama the best it can be, then I see no issue with the 2 of them talking. But I think there would have to be some ground rules on what Saban shares in the media.

Generally, any good CEO wants an outlet to discuss issues. Until you've been in that role it's hard to understand how many blindspots you have. You may give your staff the confidence to speak freely but they will really only go so far with their observations.

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