No healing pastors, laying on of hands, anointing, with oil, claims of it regrow in Jesus name or anything? Sorry you're dealing with that.
No healing pastors, laying on of hands, anointing, with oil, claims of it regrow in Jesus name or anything? Sorry you're dealing with that.
Just like I thought. No explanation. No pastor I’ve sat down with (dozens) can explain it without saying the word “faith”. Blind as it may be. I lean more to verifiable things.
God let’s me down by not healing/allowing people to heal (“greater works than these shall you do”) he was healing blind, lame and Dead people for Pete’s sake. (John 14:12)I am sorry if you suffered a loss and feel like God or someone else let you down.
I'll give you my "healing miracle"God le
God let’s me down by not healing/allowing people to heal (“greater works than these shall you do”) he was healing blind, lame and Dead people for Pete’s sake. (John 14:12)
Thanks 4QBC a well thought out reply is hard to come by. I don’t feel bitter, mad or upset at any God. I just know that Jesus, God whomever has NEVER done what he said he would do. So any Hope that there’s a street of gold beyond a gate of pearls floating in the sky somewhere is beyond my ability to “believe “Labrador —
I’m truly sorry that you prayed for loved ones’ healing, it didn’t come, and you now feel that God has let you down.
You asked for logical, tangible reasons why that’s happened in the face of God’s offered healing.
Here’s the thing: You’ve asked for a religiously logical answer to a question that has no logical answer. Those concepts (religion and logic) have a lot in common, but also material divergences.
I’d actually posit that religion allows us to keep hope when, logically, there should be none.
You can believe that your loved ones are now in God’s presence, fully healed, joyously and eagerly awaiting the time you can join them for all eternity. Or you can be bitter that God denied you the pleasure of their company here on Earth when He didn’t deliver the healing you feel they deserved.
I’m no sunshine pumper. I’ve experienced painful losses, and to this day I struggle with asking, “Why?”
Still, I hope you can find it within yourself to go with hope. Even though “hope” means that you have to believe that death of the body isn’t really death of the person.
Bitterness is such a long, dark, painful, hopeless rabbit hole. And it’s a tragic waste of the time you have left on the rock.
And I’m good with that. No big deal. So we live and die and that’s it. I can handle that.Thanks 4QBC a well thought out reply is hard to come by. I don’t feel bitter, mad or upset at any God. I just know that Jesus, God whomever has NEVER done what he said he would do. So any Hope that there’s a street of gold beyond a gate of pearls floating in the sky somewhere is beyond my ability to “believe “
I wish you peace and grace. Circumstances and age tend to change things, an open mind and heart does as well.Well, Labrador, I wish you peace...whatever your path to it.