Oddly and sadly, not that satirical.

I love these guys. Their take on the Kavanaugh hearing was hysterical.Oddly and sadly, not that satirical.
I think the Democrats will have the advantage in 2028 where they didn’t in 2016. Rubio might be the GOPs best hope. So I think Sotomayor may can tough it out 4 years whereas it was careless for RBG to do it.No spin: Sotomayor ain’t looking so good. Is she going to be another RBG, giving the conservatives a 7-2 advantage?
Good comedy has to have an element of truth in it...Oddly and sadly, not that satirical.
No doubt Austin and Andrew enjoyed writing this skit. The retarded tribalism of American politics is a target rich environment.Good comedy has to have an element of truth in it...