On academics...
I'm less concerned with Emmons. He has some work to do, but in general he's in a feasible position and doesn't need any longshot contingencies to pan out for him to qualify. We've had several people in his situation over the years, and most of those guys have made it. Not a guarantee by any stretch, but definitely some reasons to feel optimistic.
Davis, I'm afraid, is a much longer shot. With only one semester of high school left, there just isn't much, if any, room for improvement with his core GPA. He needs to do really well on the ACT for him to get in, and, even if he does, the question then becomes whether the Clearinghouse will accept the raised score. That latter part, unfortunately, is far from a given.
I'm less concerned with Emmons. He has some work to do, but in general he's in a feasible position and doesn't need any longshot contingencies to pan out for him to qualify. We've had several people in his situation over the years, and most of those guys have made it. Not a guarantee by any stretch, but definitely some reasons to feel optimistic.
Davis, I'm afraid, is a much longer shot. With only one semester of high school left, there just isn't much, if any, room for improvement with his core GPA. He needs to do really well on the ACT for him to get in, and, even if he does, the question then becomes whether the Clearinghouse will accept the raised score. That latter part, unfortunately, is far from a given.