I don't agree with not pulling Milroe, but I understand why he didn't.
We have a team cancer and the treatment for cancer is horrific. Sometimes you radically cut it out (benching, kicking off the team) and it's a nice, clean removal. But, sometimes the cancer has woven its way into other organs, multiple lymph nodes, etc. and you chemically attack it (cleaning house), but that destroys the immune system as it attacks from within. The side effects of this are horrendous. Either option can heal, but either option can lead to death.
I've taken over groups with cancers many times in my career and how you deal with it is ALWAYS a crap shoot. Sometimes I've removed a kid and it's like a breath of fresh air rushed into the group. Sometimes I've removed one and multiple others followed him out. Sometimes you make their experience so bad that they remove themselves. Sometimes you just have to ride it out until graduation. No matter what you choose, you hope that you made the right decision and it doesn't tank your program.
It's obvious that I'm team DeBoer, for now, but yes I am frustrated after what I saw this season; however, I know that he knows more than I do. He knows the dynamic of the team. He knows how Milroe and LANK have infected the team way more than I do. I want to give him a chance to build his team. I want to see what he can do when he hasn't had to sit on his hands for a month while the rest of college football cherry picked our players. I want to see what he can do when he's had time to correct the mental/discipline issues from the past two seasons (because we can't forget how horribly undisciplined Saban's last two teams were). I'm going to give the guy a chance to do what he's always done: establish his program and win. In case we've forgotten who we hired, here it is:
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