Goodness, do you have any thing showing that this is the case or this just another example of emotional, reactionary posting because something didn't go your way?
It's one thing to hate on something someone does, but to suggest they're all racist is a bit much.
I'm not saying anything other than I think they are corrupt and crazy. The Dixiecrats of Strom Thurmond, (who, let's face it, contained KKK and the NAZI America Firster's of the pre-WWII years) who were discarded by LBJ and the Democrats with the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 were quickly picked up by the GOP. They were thought to be controllable. This has been proven a fallacy.
The entire reason for the Two-Party System was a gentleman's agreement of the majority of smart Americans to prevent a lunatic like George Wallace or Lyndon LaRouche (or the Kingfish) from ever becoming President. This agreement has also been proven a folly with the ascension of Trump to the nomination and then success in the General. Jeff Greenfield wrote an interesting, tho quaint, book called "The People's Choice" about the ramifications today if the Electoral College worked as intended by the founders and failed to provide a majority and the decision was thrown into the House so the "Grown-ups" could pick the President and The Senate the Vice, conveniently taking the decision away from the people who "wouldn't have to worry their pretty little heads". Stock and Bond markets through the floor and worldwide Depression as the rest of the world looked on in horror and pulled their money out of Treasury Bonds and sold their reserve dollars. Jan 6, 2021 nearly gave us a test of his theory.
I truly would love a frank, civil, even cold and emotionless, as though we were studying the fossilized remains of a prehistoric insect, discussion of our Founding Fathers and our Constitution. I imagine we have some PoliSci majors, History majors, maybe even real Constitutional Scholars among us. I'm just a regular guy who has tried to understand the little corner and time of the world where he came into being. I know this would be difficult for all of us, especially for me, as I seem to care more about the ideals of right and wrong I was brought up with than "what's good for me and mine right now and screw the rest". I was brought up to associate these ideals with the United States of America, which, I realize, was extremely naive and provincial.
I think, given all we have had to overcome with our slave-owning, multicultural beginnings, we've done kind of an amazing job, overall. Lots of hideous evils to face up to, as well. Still, looking at Europe, we can hold up our heads and say "well, at least we ain't Mississippi", haha.