Recent content by Jon

  1. Jon

    The Church Thread: Chapter I Verse I

    What French misses there is that Christianity itself has a persecution complex, it is built into the faith so of course they feel persecuted. They are told to expect it by their own texts. This shouldn't surprise anyone, preachers have been using these texts to gain "Us against them" power for...
  2. Jon


    they're smart enough to see it, seems they just don't care
  3. Jon


    because the man will never have to potentially destroy their own body or their life to carry that child. It is a deeply inequitable scenario and wrought with extreme consequences. Allowing men to determine who has to carry a child can and has led to rapists choosing who they want to have their...
  4. Jon


    the problem here of course is that the end results of acquiescing to your desires above is that you will have to control women to do it. I am sincere in the belief that most who hold these views don't intend to control women, but make no mistake this is doing it.
  5. Jon

    2024 Presidential Election VIII

    no it's actually worse his efforts have killed countless people and he denies any responsibility at all
  6. Jon

    Political Meme - Cartoon/Joke Thread...Part XXIV

    so follow up question do you think you retained any of what happened?
  7. Jon

    Political Meme - Cartoon/Joke Thread...Part XXIV

    did you even pay attention to the last 8 years?
  8. Jon

    2024 Presidential Election VIII

    they should have drawn the same parallel this thread has, Trump advocating for another tax cut for people with wealth of over $100 m while Harris proposals benefit the middle class
  9. Jon


    Call on me I can answer the why
  10. Jon


    making my argument for me you want to control women. In your case their sex lives I could state all the obvious things like broken condoms or other failed contraception or of course the biggie, rape but I don't think it matters you just want sex, for women, to always have consequences while...
  11. Jon


    did that need to be in blue? I thought it was obvious
  12. Jon


    go tribe baby!
  13. Jon


    least I am thinking, you clearly aren't
  14. Jon


    Lol this article outlines what happened from a guy who was in the room. Again, believe what you want but this is what happened. As for today. Tell me. Why does the right want to end birth control? why end uncontested divorce? why end all abortions? doesn't take a genius to put it all...
  15. Jon

    Trump Attempted Coup - Part VIII

    of course this is a thing morons - NEW Stuff!

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