Bama Game Thread: Bama vs Gators Game Thread

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1st Team
Mar 30, 2015
I don't really see how you can see this play that way. Incredibly obvious to me. CNO even said it was worthy and deserved.
Where's the actual contact though? All we see is his arm moving. The view of the actual contact is blocked by the bodies, so it's really hard to tell. The Florida player could be faking when he appears to react. I honestly wouldn't have thought anything of this clip had people not already said they thought it was a flagrant


Hall of Fame
Jul 9, 2010
Inverness, AL
Where's the actual contact though? All we see is his arm moving. The view of the actual contact is blocked by the bodies, so it's really hard to tell. The Florida player could be faking when he appears to react. I honestly wouldn't have thought anything of this clip had people not already said they thought it was a flagrant
I can clearly see an arm/elbow come down on the side of the FLA players head. You may need to change out those crimson lenses for a real pair of glass lenses :).
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1st Team
Mar 30, 2015
I can clearly see an arm/elbow come down on the side of the FLA players head. You may need to change out those crimson lenses for a real pair of glass lenses :).
Here it is paused at the exact spot. His right arm is the one in question, and it's tough to tell if there's actual contact right there or not. It appears to be behind his head.



FB|BB Moderator
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Dec 8, 2000
Pell City, AL
His intent seems pretty clear. The UF player grabbing his head after the contact was pretty clear during live action in the game too.
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1st Team
Mar 30, 2015
His whole head/body jerks from the contact lol
Or maybe he's a good actor. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying thats it's hard to tell in this video. I didn't notice it when I watched the game, and this clip doesn't show enough evidence imo to justify a suspension. Maybe the SEC has better footage, though. I'd want to see that arm make visible, undeniable contact with the player. I'm clearly in the minority here, but that's okay. I just don't see it.


Hall of Fame
Jul 9, 2010
Inverness, AL
Or maybe he's a good actor. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying thats it's hard to tell in this video. I didn't notice it when I watched the game, and this clip doesn't show enough evidence imo to justify a suspension. Maybe the SEC has better footage, though. I'd want to see that arm make visible, undeniable contact with the player. I'm clearly in the minority here, but that's okay. I just don't see it.
To each his own and we all see things differently from time to time but you are not in the minority, you are the only one I've seen on this board.


Hall of Fame
Jul 9, 2010
Inverness, AL
For your reference Titles, here is CNO's quote regarding the play and the suspension.

“We received the discipline for Mo from the SEC and agree with the suspension,” Alabama coach Nate Oats said in a statement. “After reviewing the film, the penalty is understandable and appropriate.”


FB|BB Moderator
Staff member
Dec 8, 2000
Pell City, AL
Or maybe he's a good actor. I'm not saying it didn't happen. I'm just saying thats it's hard to tell in this video. I didn't notice it when I watched the game, and this clip doesn't show enough evidence imo to justify a suspension. Maybe the SEC has better footage, though. I'd want to see that arm make visible, undeniable contact with the player. I'm clearly in the minority here, but that's okay. I just don't see it.


1st Team
Nov 1, 2010
It was a bad move by Mo. The worst thing is the zebras didn’t see the Florida player foul and didn’t see the “obvious” flagrant foul by Mo.
Zebra 1 2 and 3 see what they want to see.
You can watch any college game and see that.


Feb 14, 2007
It's okay, we can agree to disagree on this. It's possible Oats had better footage than that clip. I'm just going by what I can see with my own eyes.
There is evidence other than the game footage, such as HC observation and involved player actions.

Alabama's HC said he would have suspended him if the SEC did not.

Mo Wague, thankfully, was "very apologetic", apologized in the handshake line for something that, as far as he knew, would not even be brought up again; he then reached out again to the "harmed" player on social media and apologized.

Forgetting the SEC's conclusion and that of the vast majority of even Alabama fans, the actions
from the 2 Alabama representatives including the offending player and his HC, is more than enough for any reasonable person to conclude without a shadow of a doubt that Mo's suspension was valid. It does not matter anymore whether the replay to which "we" have access or what our own eyes see validates it or not. The video clip in question does not exonerate Mo, but just causes some doubt in the mind of a handful or fewer.
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