Leaked Audio Clip Reveals China's Plan To Invade Taiwan


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002

The mobilization issued to Guangdong by the eastern and southern war zones includes "20 categories and 239 items." It includes 140,000 lakh military personnel, 953 ships, 1,653 units of unmanned equipment, 20 airports and docks, six repair and shipbuilding yards, 14 emergency transfer centres, and resources such as grain depots, and hospitals, blood stations, oil depots, gas stations, etc.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
so, maybe the "gaffe" was biden calling out their bs before they do it, like he did with putin
IMO, Biden was a bit slow to reacting to Russia invading Ukraine, but has taken the lead nicely in pulling the West / NATO together. Preemptively pointing at China makes sense - I think he's got his legs wrt foreign policy.


TideFans Legend
May 9, 2000
East Point, Ga, USA
IMO, Biden was a bit slow to reacting to Russia invading Ukraine, but has taken the lead nicely in pulling the West / NATO together. Preemptively pointing at China makes sense - I think he's got his legs wrt foreign policy.
he was calling out their every move in the weeks leading up to the invasion, and iirc, was talking about it in some form since november. especially as he was saying the invasion was imminent, he was often getting ragged for overreacting


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
The problem is (if my understanding is correct after talking to folks who should know) we're not really ready to do much if China does start to move on Taiwan. My understanding is that after two decades of decline, the Navy isn't really ready and we don't have assets in the Pacific for a hot war with China.

But that's just rumor and innuendo, I don't really know. Maybe someone here is more clued in.


TideFans Legend
Jan 15, 2000
Houston, Texas USA
The problem is (if my understanding is correct after talking to folks who should know) we're not really ready to do much if China does start to move on Taiwan. My understanding is that after two decades of decline, the Navy isn't really ready and we don't have assets in the Pacific for a hot war with China.

But that's just rumor and innuendo, I don't really know. Maybe someone here is more clued in.
The volcano and the Philippines money demands led us to close Subic Bay and Clark field, which were our largest overseas installations. My BIL was at Subic when the volcano went off
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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
he was calling out their every move in the weeks leading up to the invasion, and iirc, was talking about it in some form since november. especially as he was saying the invasion was imminent, he was often getting ragged for overreacting
Meh, he slow-rolled into it but has handled it well since:


TideFans Legend
Jan 15, 2000
Houston, Texas USA
The ROC has 130,000 active military and over two million reserves. Unlike Russia, they can’t drive over there. this has a familiar ring to it.


TideFans Legend
May 25, 2003
Mountainous Northern California
The problem is (if my understanding is correct after talking to folks who should know) we're not really ready to do much if China does start to move on Taiwan. My understanding is that after two decades of decline, the Navy isn't really ready and we don't have assets in the Pacific for a hot war with China.

But that's just rumor and innuendo, I don't really know. Maybe someone here is more clued in.

An Overwhelming US Military Superiority


The USN’s merging of weapon systems and C4ISR systems with multi-domain network and integrated ship defenses is more lethal than the numbers of People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) submarines and warships. The PLAN consists of 63 warships over 3,000 tons with a total tonnage of 447,000 tons, while the USN has 120 warships with a total of 2 million tons.8 PLAN warships are armed with 1,900 missiles, whereas the USN has 9,500 missiles deployed on its warships.9

The course and outcome of modern wars is determined by C4ISR capabilities and not the quantity of weapon systems. The United States is far ahead in tracking and prioritizing PLAN targets. The USN is equipped with 426 C4ISR aircraft, while the PLAN has only 22 such aircraft. The PLAN has 441 fixed-wing aircraft and 118 helicopters, while the USN10 and the Marines11 collectively have 2,448 fixed-wing aircraft and 1,249 helicopters. The PLAN’s two aircraft carriers (ACs) can carry 70 aircraft, while the USN’s 11 ACs collectively have more than 800 aircraft. The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group (CSG) includes the USN’s only forward deployed AC, the USS Ronald Reagan, which is operating along with the Nimitz CSG 11 and Theodore Roosevelt CSG for anti-China operations in the Pacific.12

The USN and PLAN have an equal number of submarines. However, the USN’s technologically advanced fleet weighs 730,000 tons, which is three times that of the PLAN.13 The Block V, a Virginia-class ballistic missile submarine, has a contract that includes 11 submarines and will triple the class’s Tomahawk cruise missile capacity to 40 missiles per submarine.14

The USN is inducting 10 high-tech DDG 51 Flight III destroyers, equipped with new technologies such as more power for laser weapons, newer engines, improved electronics and the advanced SPY-6 radar. A total of 20 DDG 51 class ships are under contract at US shipyards.15 The United States is constructing the new Flight IIA DDG 51s, which will be equipped with the next-generation radar technology, Aegis Baseline 9 Combat System, BMD, and antiship cruise missiles capabilities. The Flight IIA and III have 96 missile tubes equipped with SM-2, SM-6, and the Tomahawk cruise missile.


Senior Administrator
Staff member
Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
The ROC has 130,000 active military and over two million reserves. Unlike Russia, they can’t drive over there. this has a familiar ring to it.
A very good point. An amphibious landing is a very ticklish proposition, where all the elements, including, most importantly air superiority, have to come together to pull it off. They've never done it and they'd be fools to go to OJT at this point...

Chukker Veteran

Hall of Fame
Feb 6, 2001
I’ve seen the imbalance in military spending between our country verses others. It’s hard for me to imagine we have areas of our military (Navy or whatever) under-equipped or underfunded.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
I’ve seen the imbalance in military spending between our country verses others. It’s hard for me to imagine we have areas of our military (Navy or whatever) under-equipped or underfunded.
Well, according to Navy folks I speak to regularly, we're nowhere near the blue water power we were two decades ago.

Does that mean the Chinese have caught up? No. But it does mean we have less ability to project said power.

Also, I trust 'reported military spending' by the Chinese about as much as I trust Putin.
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Nov 27, 2017
Well, according to Navy folks I speak to regularly, we're nowhere near the blue water power we were two decades ago.

Does that mean the Chinese have caught up? No. But it does mean we have less ability to project said power.

Also, I trust 'reported military spending' by the Chinese about as much as I trust Putin.
One reason the Chinese do not spend at the level of the US is their practice of stealing proprietary information all over the world. Why spend billions to develop a weapons system when the final design can be obtained through spy craft.

One reason we don't hear so much about it is the fact that we are so completely entwined with them economically.


Oct 18, 2014
One reason the Chinese do not spend at the level of the US is their practice of stealing proprietary information all over the world. Why spend billions to develop a weapons system when the final design can be obtained through spy craft.

One reason we don't hear so much about it is the fact that we are so completely entwined with them economically.
If you are always stealing someone else's technology then you will always be behind. Them stealing from us just means we already know what they can do but we are already ahead of the last thing they stole.
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TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
Well, according to Navy folks I speak to regularly, we're nowhere near the blue water power we were two decades ago.

Does that mean the Chinese have caught up? No. But it does mean we have less ability to project said power.

Also, I trust 'reported military spending' by the Chinese about as much as I trust Putin.
The real issue with China is that going to a hot war with China pretty much means a hot war with North Korea. Otherwise mainland China would fall in months with the amount of troops and assets we have in the Pacific already. China’s nuclear program is well behind both the American and Russian programs. So really taking out Pyongyang early maybe the difference in a victory or stalemate should NK attempt to capitalize on the opportunity. It’s one of the two main reasons NK exists as a country

Also you must remember military lifers usually are the “we are weakening as a nation” folks. I can’t tell you how many former SAC officers who would constantly say we are weaker since men like Lemay don’t run Stratcom anymore. And when Obama force shaped the military in 2012 I heard all sorts of nonsense. So anything someone in the military or was a lifer in the military say “we aren’t this or that” you really need to take it with a grain of salt because it usually isn’t true or as true as they say it is. Just my two cents.


Nov 27, 2017
Well, according to Navy folks I speak to regularly, we're nowhere near the blue water power we were two decades ago.

Does that mean the Chinese have caught up? No. But it does mean we have less ability to project said power.

Also, I trust 'reported military spending' by the Chinese about as much as I trust Putin.
One comment I would make is to look at the aircraft and weapons systems sitting on the decks of our aircraft carriers. It would be difficult to see us as underfunded from that viewpoint.

I don't doubt that if is extremely difficult for the Navy to maintain the level of talent necessary to maintain and operate the technology onboard.


TideFans Legend
Jan 15, 2000
Houston, Texas USA
The real issue with China is that going to a hot war with China pretty much means a hot war with North Korea. Otherwise mainland China would fall in months with the amount of troops and assets we have in the Pacific already. China’s nuclear program is well behind both the American and Russian programs. So really taking out Pyongyang early maybe the difference in a victory or stalemate should NK attempt to capitalize on the opportunity. It’s one of the two main reasons NK exists as a country

Also you must remember military lifers usually are the “we are weakening as a nation” folks. I can’t tell you how many former SAC officers who would constantly say we are weaker since men like Lemay don’t run Stratcom anymore. And when Obama force shaped the military in 2012 I heard all sorts of nonsense. So anything someone in the military or was a lifer in the military say “we aren’t this or that” you really need to take it with a grain of salt because it usually isn’t true or as true as they say it is. Just my two cents.
We’re down two carrier from 20 years ago, and a few ships of each type (destroyer, cruiser, etc) so I think you could say we’re down two carrier task forces in 20 years.

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