Marjorie Taylor Greene


Hall of Fame
Oct 14, 2009
A different perspective on a National divorce

Sure, people on both sides are tired of trying to convince the other they are right. Aside from the fact it couldn’t be done to the satisfaction of both (and the right would never stop trying to get more), it would end as a civil war if it didn’t start that way.
Don’t know if it will happen I’m my lifetime, but something will happen within the next 25 years. Putin’s hard work, combined with Chinese literally buying up the country, will achieve its goal.

Go Bama

Hall of Fame
Dec 6, 2009


Hall of Fame
Oct 14, 2009
This woman is a result of the Dem party going so far left, the response, the Rep party going further right. There's no middle ground anywhere anymore. Its just crazies on both sides.
If this were true, Bernie would have been the nominee instead of Hillary in 2016 - or Biden in 2020.
I wouldn’t consider Trump “right”, outside of a fascist lens; he’s for whatever gives him money and boosts his ego. His ideology is whatever he thinks will do either of those things, and it can change 180 degrees in a New York minute.
And as another has posted, there are many more “moderates” in the Democratic Party than in the Republican; you almost believe there are none in the RP because they are mostly silent.
Now, if you want to compare “the squad” with BoBo, M”Trigger”G and “Butthead” Gaetz (seriously, put their pics side by side, could be twins), that’s a legitimate comparison, based on positions, but not on literally anything else.


TideFans Legend
May 9, 2000
East Point, Ga, USA
This woman is a result of the Dem party going so far left, the response, the Rep party going further right. There's no middle ground anywhere anymore. Its just crazies on both sides.
dems have nothing to do with this. she is the result of her voters voting for this and "conservatives" getting increasingly crazy over the past few decades


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
dems have nothing to do with this. she is the result of her voters voting for this and "conservatives" getting increasingly crazy over the past few decades
There's no excuse for MTG, let's just get that out there. :)

But the reality is the far right's actions have been, at least in part, reactions to the push left from the Dems. In the last 15 years the Dems have gone from publicly stating they were against gay marriage to arguing that children should have the right to 'transition'.

No matter how you slice it, the left has moved pretty hard left in the last two decades years - so whether you agree that the move by the Dems is needed and good or not, it's definitely been a catalyst for the crazies on the hard-right to push back.


TideFans Legend
May 9, 2000
East Point, Ga, USA
There's no excuse for MTG, let's just get that out there. :)

But the reality is the far right's actions have been, at least in part, reactions to the push left from the Dems. In the last 15 years the Dems have gone from publicly stating they were against gay marriage to arguing that children should have the right to 'transition'.

No matter how you slice it, the left has moved pretty hard left in the last two decades years - so whether you agree that the move by the Dems is needed and good or not, it's definitely been a catalyst for the crazies on the hard-right to push back.
respectfully, i don’t agree with your assessment at all. georgia has been electing bat crap crazies like mtg for decades and these bat crap crazies are getting elected because “reasonable” republicans keep voting for them. blaming their continued worsening behavior on others is just making excuses
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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
respectfully, i don’t agree with your assessment at all. georgia has been electing bat crap crazies like mtg for decades and these bat crap crazies are getting elected because “reasonable” republicans keep voting for them. blaming their continued worsening behavior on others is just making excuses
That's fair. I thought I was pretty clear in suggesting the crazy right wasn't that way exclusively as a response to the left moving further left, but there's no question it's been a factor.

Both extremes have pushed further from the middle over the last two decades. If someone wishes to they can argue about which side is 'right' or 'wrong', but the reality is the extremes are growing more extreme.
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Jul 24, 2000
A lot of folks hate freedom. They will use Religion or any excuse at all to control others. Beware letting ANY group be persecuted. The evil ones will start with a group they feel is weakest and if they can get society to get on board with the oppression or, at least, look the other way, they have a precedent. Then they can turn to bigger fish.

You will eventually be next. If anyone is denied basic human rights, we're all in danger.


Hall of Fame
Aug 22, 2001
Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida
There's no excuse for MTG, let's just get that out there. :)

But the reality is the far right's actions have been, at least in part, reactions to the push left from the Dems. In the last 15 years the Dems have gone from publicly stating they were against gay marriage to arguing that children should have the right to 'transition'.

No matter how you slice it, the left has moved pretty hard left in the last two decades years - so whether you agree that the move by the Dems is needed and good or not, it's definitely been a catalyst for the crazies on the hard-right to push back.
The left loves MTG like the right loves AOC. Both sides need their boogie(wo)men to keep the tribal clown train rolling.


Hall of Fame
Sep 1, 2019
I started getting notifications, figured it was the post on Tua not retiring.....nope, its some MTG post I made 2 years ago. Lol

Then I see MTG has been talking in the news again....does no good to delete the original post I made, maybe she'll lose her next election and delete her membership to committees she shouldn't be on.


TideFans Legend
May 9, 2000
East Point, Ga, USA
I started getting notifications, figured it was the post on Tua not retiring.....nope, its some MTG post I made 2 years ago. Lol

Then I see MTG has been talking in the news again....does no good to delete the original post I made, maybe she'll lose her next election and delete her membership to committees she shouldn't be on.
my apologies, that is totally my fault. i didn’t realize i was responding to a 2 year old post. 🤣 🍻

Go Bama

Hall of Fame
Dec 6, 2009
Try not to misinterpret what I wrote. Right media loves AOC. Left media loves MTG. That's obvious. Look how often these two appear in the rival media. Is there a day that goes by when they don't?
I guess I must have missed the word “media” in your first post. Possibly because it was neither there nor in the post you were responding to. Besides, the “left” media is not extremely left. The “right” media is a propaganda machine.
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Hall of Fame
Aug 14, 2002
Birmingham & Warner Robins
There's no excuse for MTG, let's just get that out there. :)

But the reality is the far right's actions have been, at least in part, reactions to the push left from the Dems. In the last 15 years the Dems have gone from publicly stating they were against gay marriage to arguing that children should have the right to 'transition'.

No matter how you slice it, the left has moved pretty hard left in the last two decades years - so whether you agree that the move by the Dems is needed and good or not, it's definitely been a catalyst for the crazies on the hard-right to push back.
The thirst for more power has been the only catalyst the far right has needed to go further and further to the right.

The GOP started moving to the right in the 80s; that movement accelerating with the accession of Newt Gingrich and Rush Limbaugh. That was the point where the GOP declared politics to be a zero sum game. (It's kind of hard to argue that this was a response to raging liberalism, given that Bill Clinton was co-opting GOP proposals left and right (so to speak).

The next seismic shift occurred when Obama was elected, and let's face it: that shift was really due to his policies. The advent of the Party of No.

Then another shift when Trump got elected. Or maybe just a continuation of the reaction against Obama. The culmination of a long-term plan by the Heritage Foundation to take control of the judiciary, with Trump appointing anyone who passed the purity test, regardless of their actual qualifications.

And another when he lost.

The increasing shift is more likely a result of rampant gerrymandering, a constant stream of BS from Fox "News", and a generations-long assault against anything in public education that might promote critical thinking.

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