Thanks for the hard stance. I made a conscious decision a long time ago to get in the habit of never using profanity. I've found that if people only "clean it up" in certain forums, and speak unrestrained elsewhere, profanity will invariably infiltrate all aspects of your life from time to time. I don't think it adds to the conversation of helps someone make their point in any way whatsoever.
To be clear: I don't paint myself as pure on profanity in all aspects of my life. As I've said above, I use more in my own home than I should.
That's in my house. TideFans is BamaNation's house, and we're his guests. His house, his rules. I've been asked to help enforce those rules, and I will.
This whole conversation has, however, made me challenge myself to be more judicious in my own words, even in my own house. Sometimes, a well-chosen profanity gets the message across better than any other phrasing. But those times are fewer and farther between than has often been my practice. I need to be better on that.