Bama vs Utex


BamaNation Citizen
Jul 25, 2021
First off Tide, in my defense, I've been under a rock at work, we're going through a merger.

Lurking here today, I just realized you are going to Austin to play Utex (as you all tend to refer to them). This should be quite interesting. :)

This Aggie's two cents. My "bold prediction," I actually won't be surprised if they treat you fairly well this year. You see, they tend to have this mass amnesia toward the last, say, 30-40 years of football. They will automatically count themselves on par with Alabama, yet in a great cognitive dissonance, have some memory they lost to Kansas, at home, last year. So they will likely be gracious hosts. I sense this will be a "program do or die game" and honestly think they may hang pretty well, at first. Similar to when we thought LSU was just going to mud-hole stomp them a couple years ago. Mind you, I don't think they win or that it will ever really be in jeopardy. But they may at least keep it "respectable" since it may be literally the most important game they play for at least a couple years (and I mean that in all sincerity, even more important than their rivalry game with OU - it will say something about their entry into the SEC in a few years). And many or even most of you may leave that weekend wondering what all the fuss is, why everyone hates visiting Austin. Again, their ego and cognitive dissonance may actually keep them in check with Bama because their psyche won't allow them to see the college football landscape outside the prism of over 40 years ago.

If I am wrong and you completely annihilate them, well... I still don't think you'll witness the antics we have had to endure in Austin (win or lose), at least this year. But you will get a sense for how fickle their fans are. After they're in the SEC, if they turn their program around, you will witness better what others talk about.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and you may get a front and center seat to the bovine aura. If I am completely wrong, get ready for them to pull out the "all time record against Bama" left and right, as if it has any relevance today.

The above aside, if you have never been, I honestly recommend you going to Austin for the game. It will be a different experience than when we host you in College Station. Those of you that are into bar scenes and live music over more traditional college football scenes and tailgating will have a good time. While I like our Northgate scene (entertainment district), Austin does really have a lot more to offer in the bar scene department with "6th Street" (including adjacent streets). I personally like our tailgating scene much better, more of an "SEC feel" than what you'll experience in Austin. The overall vibes of game day will be extremely different. Texas A&M being more of the traditional "former military college" and "students and graduates" feel, and Utex being urban and more "random fans" feel with a better bar and live music scene.

Shamefully, I haven't been able to make the trek to Tuscaloosa yet. Hope to finally make it in 2024 before realignment messes up our annual match up.
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Isaiah 63:1

Dec 8, 2005
Probably at 35k or in an airport somewhere
@C2Ag93 is probably right concerning how UTex fans will treat us. Familiarity breeds contempt, and we don't have it with them (but be prepared for a constant barrage of IOCHGH). Sooner fans (with one notable, juvenile exception) treated us well in Norman in 2002 before, during, and after that game. When I remarked upon it to one of them, he quickly pointed out that we'd have seen a whole different side of them if we wore burnt orange.


TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
1) My experience with Texas fans living in San Antonio for a stretch was kinda like living with Husker fans. Obnoxious and think they invented football. But yeah I feel that they will treat us okay by SEC standards since we have to deal with LSU, UGA, Auburn, and Florida fans.

2) I went to Kyle field for the 2017 game. It’s either the best experience or second best road experience I can’t decide between it and LSU. Kyle Field is what BDS should be in terms of space in the concourses and better concessions and bathroom access. Also the escalators are a great addition. Seeing the cadets March in and the mounted ones in the morning is pretty cool. And y’all’s fans are probably the most friendliest fans I’ve met at an SEC game.
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BamaNation Citizen
Jul 25, 2021
Literally no one refers to them as “Utex”
Haha sorry Colby, thought I saw y'all using it on some threads. We use "tu". But didn't want to use it since you all may not know the context. Longhorn fans will say it's because we are juvenile. The reality is it is, yet again, a long-standing tradition that started out innocuous. It riles them up, so of course we continue to use it. But back in the early 1900s through (from memory) around the 1940s, even they used "Texas University" on their own sports programs. It was just common practice in those days for the large state school to use "State Name" University. What does Oklahoma use? "OU", even though the official name is the University of Oklahoma at Norman. True, we lower case it when writing it. But flipping it actually has a history unrelated to our rivalry. They just think for some reason we pulled it out of thin air like some sibling may. It's quite comical.

For a couple of you posting you're still thinking of going, honestly, go. I think you guys will enjoy it for the most part. Simply being a new venue and Austin's bar and music scene can be fun. It is more urban, than a "college town." But still a setting that's worth experiencing at least once.

Personally, I probably will never go back to watch a game in Austin (not to sound like I'm double-speaking), even if I think we would crush them. We just get the crap treatment, so I've had enough of it. Slashed tires... food being tossed over into the Aggie section, etc. But I'm fairly confident you all won't experience that.

We never had a rivalry with OU, just another game on our schedule. Went to Norman once and enjoyed it, and we played them our first year in the SEC in the Cotton Bowl, so I recommend Norman without hesitation about their fans.


TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
Haha sorry Colby, thought I saw y'all using it on some threads. We use "tu". But didn't want to use it since you all may not know the context. Longhorn fans will say it's because we are juvenile. The reality is it is, yet again, a long-standing tradition that started out innocuous. It riles them up, so of course we continue to use it. But back in the early 1900s through (from memory) around the 1940s, even they used "Texas University" on their own sports programs. It was just common practice in those days for the large state school to use "State Name" University. What does Oklahoma use? "OU", even though the official name is the University of Oklahoma at Norman. True, we lower case it when writing it. But flipping it actually has a history unrelated to our rivalry. They just think for some reason we pulled it out of thin air like some sibling may. It's quite comical.

For a couple of you posting you're still thinking of going, honestly, go. I think you guys will enjoy it for the most part. Simply being a new venue and Austin's bar and music scene can be fun. It is more urban, than a "college town." But still a setting that's worth experiencing at least once.

Personally, I probably will never go back to watch a game in Austin (not to sound like I'm double-speaking), even if I think we would crush them. We just get the crap treatment, so I've had enough of it. Slashed tires... food being tossed over into the Aggie section, etc. But I'm fairly confident you all won't experience that.

We never had a rivalry with OU, just another game on our schedule. Went to Norman once and enjoyed it, and we played them our first year in the SEC in the Cotton Bowl, so I recommend Norman without hesitation about their fans.
I lived in Omaha for 6 years and have gotten the taste of Big XII and B1G fanbases

Oklahoma in my experience is a good fanbase but the 2014 Sugar Bowl whine fest has dampened my views a bit.

Nebraska and Kansas are some of the most obnoxious and stupid fanbases I’ve ever been around.

Texas thinks they invented football and everyone should be honored to play what they invented. Not Georgia and Florida territory but they can be bad.

aTm and Mizzou have some of the nicest fan bases.


BamaNation Citizen
Jul 25, 2021
Oklahoma in my experience is a good fanbase but the 2014 Sugar Bowl whine fest has dampened my views a bit.

Texas thinks they invented football and everyone should be honored to play what they invented. Not Georgia and Florida territory but they can be bad.
No doubt, 81. Just to be absolutely clear, this Aggie isn't redeeming the "sips" at all. Just giving the heads up that if you guys decide to go to Austin this year, I think you actually will have a good time... THIS YEAR. You likely will even wonder why we loathe them, even conclude we just look through the prism of age-old rivalry to form that conclusion. Eventually, even y'all will experience it but I don't think it will be this year or even in Tuscaloosa next year when they visit for the reasons I mentioned in the OP. But it'll come.

Pretty accurate on OU. Overall good, but "some run ins" that one can look past.


TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
First off Tide, in my defense, I've been under a rock at work, we're going through a merger.

Lurking here today, I just realized you are going to Austin to play Utex (as you all tend to refer to them). This should be quite interesting. :)

This Aggie's two cents. My "bold prediction," I actually won't be surprised if they treat you fairly well this year. You see, they tend to have this mass amnesia toward the last, say, 30-40 years of football. They will automatically count themselves on par with Alabama, yet in a great cognitive dissonance, have some memory they lost to Kansas, at home, last year. So they will likely be gracious hosts. I sense this will be a "program do or die game" and honestly think they may hang pretty well, at first. Similar to when we thought LSU was just going to mud-hole stomp them a couple years ago. Mind you, I don't think they win or that it will ever really be in jeopardy. But they may at least keep it "respectable" since it may be literally the most important game they play for at least a couple years (and I mean that in all sincerity, even more important than their rivalry game with OU - it will say something about their entry into the SEC in a few years). And many or even most of you may leave that weekend wondering what all the fuss is, why everyone hates visiting Austin. Again, their ego and cognitive dissonance may actually keep them in check with Bama because their psyche won't allow them to see the college football landscape outside the prism of over 40 years ago.

If I am wrong and you completely annihilate them, well... I still don't think you'll witness the antics we have had to endure in Austin (win or lose), at least this year. But you will get a sense for how fickle their fans are. After they're in the SEC, if they turn their program around, you will witness better what others talk about.

Of course, I could be completely wrong and you may get a front and center seat to the bovine aura. If I am completely wrong, get ready for them to pull out the "all time record against Bama" left and right, as if it has any relevance today.

The above aside, if you have never been, I honestly recommend you going to Austin for the game. It will be a different experience than when we host you in College Station. Those of you that are into bar scenes and live music over more traditional college football scenes and tailgating will have a good time. While I like our Northgate scene (entertainment district), Austin does really have a lot more to offer in the bar scene department with "6th Street" (including adjacent streets). I personally like our tailgating scene much better, more of an "SEC feel" than what you'll experience in Austin. The overall vibes of game day will be extremely different. Texas A&M being more of the traditional "former military college" and "students and graduates" feel, and Utex being urban and more "random fans" feel with a better bar and live music scene.

Shamefully, I haven't been able to make the trek to Tuscaloosa yet. Hope to finally make it in 2024 before realignment messes up our annual match up.
Speaking about aTm and Texas. There are rumors coming out that A&M is totally against making the Lone Star Showdown an annual game once Texas comes. It’s leaked on SI that A&M higher ups are wanting to be in a “pod” with LSU, Ole Miss, and MSU and don’t want to be forced to play an annual rivalry with Texas again.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Speaking about aTm and Texas. There are rumors coming out that A&M is totally against making the Lone Star Showdown an annual game once Texas comes. It’s leaked on SI that A&M higher ups are wanting to be in a “pod” with LSU, Ole Miss, and MSU and don’t want to be forced to play an annual rivalry with Texas again.
Sounds like they're scared.


TideFans Legend
Mar 31, 2000
I lived in Omaha for 6 years and have gotten the taste of Big XII and B1G fanbases

Oklahoma in my experience is a good fanbase but the 2014 Sugar Bowl whine fest has dampened my views a bit.

Nebraska and Kansas are some of the most obnoxious and stupid fanbases I’ve ever been around.

Texas thinks they invented football and everyone should be honored to play what they invented. Not Georgia and Florida territory but they can be bad.

aTm and Mizzou have some of the nicest fan bases.
Texas thinks they’d have won at the Alamo if Colt hadn’t got hurt.


BamaNation Citizen
Jul 25, 2021
Speaking about aTm and Texas. There are rumors coming out that A&M is totally against making the Lone Star Showdown an annual game once Texas comes. It’s leaked on SI that A&M higher ups are wanting to be in a “pod” with LSU, Ole Miss, and MSU and don’t want to be forced to play an annual rivalry with Texas again.
Media just building drama. It will happen and to the other poster that thinks we're scared, go back and read press clippings when we joined the SEC (well documented we extended the offer to continue the series but Texas blocked it).

It's crazy to think it won't happen. We didn't want expansion since it's an obvious recruiting advantage. Now that it's a done deal, what you're seeing is indifference. If there is any maneuvering going on by our admin, I suspect it's simply that we don't want to be stuck in a "Big 12" reloaded pod. **Off the bulletin boards**, most Aggies are... what's the right word... "fine" with it coming back (not excited about it, but not opposed). That's on an "overall" basis. You can find some that are opposed, some that are excited. What's odd is older Ags really don't care for it to come back. Current students and graduates after around say 2014 seem to be more for it (guess they want to experience the rivalry or something).

Personally, if I had any say (and I don't), and someone said, "Which of these teams would you want to be assured to play every year - Bama, Auburn LSU or Texas," the first three over Texas. But that's not to say I'd be disappointed we played Texas every year as well, if there was a way. Long way of saying, if our Admin is doing any lobbying, it's not to exclude an annual meeting with Texas, but likely about not building a "Big 12 redo" pod.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Media just building drama. It will happen and to the other poster that thinks we're scared, go back and read press clippings when we joined the SEC (well documented we extended the offer to continue the series but Texas blocked it).
Meh, A&M was against texas joining the SEC, so make of that what you will.

I call it fear, you guys knows texas in the SEC is a threat to what you have right now wrt recruiting.


BamaNation Citizen
Jul 25, 2021
Meh, A&M was against texas joining the SEC, so make of that what you will.

I call it fear, you guys knows texas in the SEC is a threat to what you have right now wrt recruiting.
Except your opinion ignores historical facts. As I have pointed out before on your fair board, A&M and Texas split our series in football in modern times. I made this point elsewhere, but "modern times" IMO begins at 1975, when A&M was no longer an all-male military institution and began graduating women as well as male students who didn't have to attend the Corps to go to A&M. Splitting the series dead-even suggests we're accustomed to recruiting and competing with them, no?

We were forced into the Big 12 when it was formed (first year 1996) by political pressures in the Texas Legislature. Many wanted to bolt for the SEC then. Texas then pushed the Big 12 around making even Nebraska and Colorado announce their departures four years before we did. Wouldn't we have been first to leave before NU and CU?

Yes, by being the only Texas school in the SEC, it is obvious we hold the recruiting advantage. And yes, we didn't want them in because of that. But we have a long history of recruiting against them. It will become more competitive. But I don't fear them. I would rather just hold the "patented advantage" than not. "Fear" though is not at all correct.

The Ols

Hall of Fame
Jul 8, 2012
Except your opinion ignores historical facts. As I have pointed out before on your fair board, A&M and Texas split our series in football in modern times. I made this point elsewhere, but "modern times" IMO begins at 1975, when A&M was no longer an all-male military institution and began graduating women as well as male students who didn't have to attend the Corps to go to A&M. Splitting the series dead-even suggests we're accustomed to recruiting and competing with them, no?

We were forced into the Big 12 when it was formed (first year 1996) by political pressures in the Texas Legislature. Many wanted to bolt for the SEC then. Texas then pushed the Big 12 around making even Nebraska and Colorado announce their departures four years before we did. Wouldn't we have been first to leave before NU and CU?

Yes, by being the only Texas school in the SEC, it is obvious we hold the recruiting advantage. And yes, we didn't want them in because of that. But we have a long history of recruiting against them. It will become more competitive. But I don't fear them. I would rather just hold the "patented advantage" than not. "Fear" though is not at all correct.
My meter is waaaaayyy below zero w/these schools…Texas, Big 12 and still can’t win…
A&M is solid, beat us last year, but come on, we hear more about them than the clown show in Athens.
One game is not a trend…but the cheerboys in College Station talk like they won it all last year.
You bought a class, the rules will change.
You will lose 1/2 of that group to the transfer portal and one or two won’t work out…
50 million is going to be embarrassing w/out anything to show for it…
Y’all have one shot right now with what you just bought…enjoy Tuscaloosa this fall.☮

The Ols

Hall of Fame
Jul 8, 2012
My meter is waaaaayyy below zero w/these schools…Texas, Big 12 and still can’t win…
A&M is solid, beat us last year, but come on, we hear more about them than the clown show in Athens.
One game is not a trend…but the cheerboys in College Station talk like they won it all last year.
You bought a class, the rules will change.
You will lose 1/2 of that group to the transfer portal and one or two won’t work out…
50 million is going to be embarrassing w/out anything to show for it…
Y’all have one shot right now with what you just bought…enjoy Tuscaloosa this fall.☮
🤣 After beating Alabama last season and having another recruiting class bonanza, the Texas A&M Aggies are given a 1.4% chance to make the Playoffs. Coming off horrible seasons, ESPN gives LSU (2.8%) and Auburn (2.7%) better chances to make the Playoffs than the Aggies.


TideFans Legend
Jan 15, 2000
Houston, Texas USA
The myth of the Alamo is as large as Texas itself and fits nicely in a shopping area with a Ben and Jerry’s on the corner. So yeah they would probably say something in that nature.
I've stayed at the Menger Hotel, across the street from the Alamo. To me it's more interesting. Several presidents stayed there. Lee lived there for a while, as well as Oscar Wilde. The bar was where Teddy Roosevelt recruited some roughriders.
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