Do You Want Oklahoma And Texas To Join The SEC?

What's your choice?

  • Yes

    Votes: 49 28.2%
  • No

    Votes: 96 55.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 29 16.7%

  • Total voters


Hall of Fame
May 13, 2009
Mobile, AL
What has always concerned me is the Texas attitude. It's sort of like UGA multiplied 1000x. Those of us who were reading here or on the UT boards in 2009 know what I'm talking about. The following is a conversation, I presume on Finebaum's show, forwarded to me by a new Aggie member. I didn't hear it, so I can't vouch for it, but it rings true...

Will from Austin...

"I'm here in Austin. We get a lot of transplants. They're reaching out and saying things like this isn't going to be Texas running the show. Texas is just going to be one, one of many. They won't be the alpha dog. And I still think Texas is going to have, maybe don't get multiple seats at the table, but I still think they sit at the head of the table in the SEC. I think the SEC runs through Austin now. And we'll see if there's now an SEC championship game in Dallas.This is a program that just won the Athletic Director's Cup, first program not named Stanford to win it in more than a decade, this is a program that runs things... "

In case anyone wondered why I voted 'NO' to Texas and Oklahoma..... Texas Specifically .......


3rd Team
Sep 6, 2019
As a native Oklahoman and OU fan, I look forward to the Sooners joining the SEC, undoubtedly the top conference in college football. OU has never tried to "run" the Big XII; the Sooners, quite simply, dominate that league with their on-field performance. The claims by some posters that Oklahoma will get slapped around and put in its place in the SEC is amusing. That may be true if you're referring strictly to Bama, the undisputed best team in college football for at least the past decade. But it's also true that if OU played every SEC school this season (2021), the Sooners would likely be favored in every game except Alabama. Of course, the landscape may look entirely different if OU/UT are forced to wait until 2025 or later to join the SEC. By that time, Lincoln Riley may be in the NFL, CNS may be sipping piña coladas on some Pacific island beach, and (gasp) aTm or Arkansas might be the new king of college football.

While some of what I typed above was done with my tongue planted firmly in cheek, I'm being totally serious when I say that OU should never be mentioned in the same breath with UT when arrogance and entitlement are the topics. I believe Oklahoma is a great fit for the SEC and will make the conference proud to call them a member of your exclusive club.


Hall of Fame
Nov 22, 2011
As a native Oklahoman and OU fan, I look forward to the Sooners joining the SEC, undoubtedly the top conference in college football. OU has never tried to "run" the Big XII; the Sooners, quite simply, dominate that league with their on-field performance. The claims by some posters that Oklahoma will get slapped around and put in its place in the SEC is amusing. That may be true if you're referring strictly to Bama, the undisputed best team in college football for at least the past decade. But it's also true that if OU played every SEC school this season (2021), the Sooners would likely be favored in every game except Alabama. Of course, the landscape may look entirely different if OU/UT are forced to wait until 2025 or later to join the SEC. By that time, Lincoln Riley may be in the NFL, CNS may be sipping piña coladas on some Pacific island beach, and (gasp) aTm or Arkansas might be the new king of college football.

While some of what I typed above was done with my tongue planted firmly in cheek, I'm being totally serious when I say that OU should never be mentioned in the same breath with UT when arrogance and entitlement are the topics. I believe Oklahoma is a great fit for the SEC and will make the conference proud to call them a member of your exclusive club.
Welcome to the boards. I am also leery of Texas arrogance in the SEC. Hopefully the rest will stand together against them demanding any share of the pie beyond the status quo.

Nothing personal, but I have always thought Oklahoma would be a better fit in the Big Ten. It is (from my perspective, never been there) a Midwestern state. You have wrestling, which is huge in the Big Ten but non-existent in the SEC outside of Missouri, who also really belongs in the Big Ten. But whatcha gonna do?

Anyway, welcome to the SEC, whenever it happens. Good luck unless you are playing Bama.


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
The claims by some posters that Oklahoma will get slapped around and put in its place in the SEC is amusing. That may be true if you're referring strictly to Bama, the undisputed best team in college football for at least the past decade. But it's also true that if OU played every SEC school this season (2021), the Sooners would likely be favored in every game except Alabama.
OU is a great football program, but how good they really are we won't know until they play through the SEC schedule grind.

Not crapping on the B12, but it's just not the same.


3rd Team
Sep 6, 2019
Appreciate the welcoming post, Crimson1967. The only part of your post I disagree with is the "Midwestern State" thing. Oklahoma is a southwestern state, a part of the U.S. where the culture aligns almost perfectly with the deep south. I've never believed OU belonged in the Big Ten. The people in most of those states are just not our kind of folks. And wrestling is not much more than a minor sport at OU. Oklahoma State is the "rastling" school in our state.


1st Team
Jun 26, 2001
Shawnee, OK USA
I am still unsure of what the Oklahoma legislature might do. It's no secret that the Sooners are hugely criticized here for leaving OK State behind to fend for themselves.


Hall of Fame
Nov 22, 2011
I am still unsure of what the Oklahoma legislature might do. It's no secret that the Sooners are hugely criticized here for leaving OK State behind to fend for themselves.
If they are like the Alabama legislature they will pound their chests and make a bunch of noise but wind up not doing anything. Although I just looked it up and I see your governor went to Oklahoma State. (Our governor is a barn grad).

Do Sooner fans have any derisive nicknames for OSU? Keep in mind we have a strict profanity policy before you answer.


TideFans Legend
Jun 9, 2009
Beautiful Cullman, AL
I am still unsure of what the Oklahoma legislature might do. It's no secret that the Sooners are hugely criticized here for leaving OK State behind to fend for themselves.
I'm not a local and you are, but I can't see them doing anything. This is bigger than even them. Knowing what OU and Texas have gone through already over the decades when attempting to leave conferences, I'd be stunned if these i's and t's have not already been dotted and crossed.

This is all theater, in order fulfill the narrative that they tried doing something.


TideFans Legend
Mar 31, 2000
OU is a great football program, but how good they really are we won't know until they play through the SEC schedule grind.

Not crapping on the B12, but it's just not the same.
Can anyone name me a time anywhere that a power joined a conference and it made them a bigger powerhouse?

Miami was winning titles left and right, 1983-2001. They joined the ACC in 2004, and they haven't even won the conference much less the national title. (The Big East doesn't count; that whole creation was designed to give Miami AND a bunch of basketball schools a sustainable conference. Miami sustained them almost to the point Texas sustained the SWC).

Nebraska was winning titles left and right in the 90s. They joined the Big 12 during the run and got an undeserved title based on reputation. They've done nothing for 20 years now and haven't even been close.

I guess folks would say Florida State, but I disagree. Go look at FSU's opponents before joining the ACC in 1992. Remember - they played Florida and Miami every year, most years those teams were very good in the 80s, so you have to add them to the games below. I'm not including bowl games since they had no control over that.

1980 - #3 Nebraska and #4 Pitt in back-to-back weeks
1981 - Nebraska, Ohio St, Notre Dame, Pitt consecutively with one off week in there
1982 - Pitt, LSU
1983 - Auburn, Pitt
1984 - Auburn, #5 South Carolina (perhaps the best USCe team ever)
1985 - Nebraska, Auburn
1986 - #8 Nebraska, #5 Michigan
1987 - Auburn, Rose Bowl champ Michigan St
1988 - Clemson, S Carolina
1989 - #10 Clemson, #11 Auburn (followed by #2 Miami the next week)
1990 - #5 Auburn
1991 - #3 Michigan, #10 Syracuse in consecutive weeks

FSU would - most years - play a powerhouse schedule in the Independent scene.

Then they joined the ACC. Yeah, they won two national titles. Go look at who they played. They were Clemson before Clemson was "let's play one out of conference foe who's pretty good and feast on the bozoes that make up our conference."


TideFans Legend
Jun 9, 2009
Beautiful Cullman, AL
Can anyone name me a time anywhere that a power joined a conference and it made them a bigger powerhouse?

Miami was winning titles left and right, 1983-2001. They joined the ACC in 2004, and they haven't even won the conference much less the national title. (The Big East doesn't count; that whole creation was designed to give Miami AND a bunch of basketball schools a sustainable conference. Miami sustained them almost to the point Texas sustained the SWC).

Nebraska was winning titles left and right in the 90s. They joined the Big 12 during the run and got an undeserved title based on reputation. They've done nothing for 20 years now and haven't even been close.

I guess folks would say Florida State, but I disagree. Go look at FSU's opponents before joining the ACC in 1992. Remember - they played Florida and Miami every year, most years those teams were very good in the 80s, so you have to add them to the games below. I'm not including bowl games since they had no control over that.

1980 - #3 Nebraska and #4 Pitt in back-to-back weeks
1981 - Nebraska, Ohio St, Notre Dame, Pitt consecutively with one off week in there
1982 - Pitt, LSU
1983 - Auburn, Pitt
1984 - Auburn, #5 South Carolina (perhaps the best USCe team ever)
1985 - Nebraska, Auburn
1986 - #8 Nebraska, #5 Michigan
1987 - Auburn, Rose Bowl champ Michigan St
1988 - Clemson, S Carolina
1989 - #10 Clemson, #11 Auburn (followed by #2 Miami the next week)
1990 - #5 Auburn
1991 - #3 Michigan, #10 Syracuse in consecutive weeks

FSU would - most years - play a powerhouse schedule in the Independent scene.

Then they joined the ACC. Yeah, they won two national titles. Go look at who they played. They were Clemson before Clemson was "let's play one out of conference foe who's pretty good and feast on the bozoes that make up our conference."
I thought about this earlier in relation to Notre Dame.

All the mighty former Independents have seen their influence wane considerably since joining conferences in the 1990s. Penn State. Miami. Florida State. Then the host of minor Independents like Pitt and West Virginia.

Yes you can find blips on the radar like 1994 Penn State, and 2002 Miami. You very well described the FSU conundrum.

And thus, perhaps that's Notre Dame's greatest hesitation in joining up with any conference. IMO, it is going to be up to the rest of college football to force their hand, much like the Rose Bowl. They are both relics, but relics apparently most of the rest of college football are more than happy to keep taking down off the shelf and polishing.
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