Eli Gold Not Expected To Return To Booth In 2024


1st Team
Oct 25, 2021
So is ego is big enough where what was offered was basically considered offensive to him?

Says a lot about a man.
I don’t think it’s fair to make that assumption. Maybe he felt the 36 years he gave to the University should have meant something. Maybe what was offered to him really was a slap in the face.

It’s weird everyone on here just blindly defending the university, and now all the sudden making assumptions about a man who - make no mistake about it - is loved by the majority of the fan base…as well as he should be.
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Isaiah 63:1

Dec 8, 2005
Probably at 35k or in an airport somewhere
With every game on multiple outlets nowadays, the days of a single broadcaster being entrusted with an iconic call on the spur of the moment are gone.

"Brad Nessler's call wasn't that good? Fine. Cue up home announcer. Not good? Cue up away announcer."
I expect that, within this decade, you’ll be able to choose an AI broadcaster in whatever voice - real or generated; present day or historical - you would like to do the play-by-play for you. You want the voice of Keith Jackson? You’ve got it. Your dad? Just say the word. Alien life form just having narrowly escaped the Betelgeuse supernova? Okay. Beth Mowins? Well, I suppose even AI has limits…


TideFans Legend
Apr 26, 2008
South Alabama
For some of us, Eli is attached to many great memories of Alabama football. For me, it is being out in the shop on Saturdays, listening to Eli Gold call the game while working with my Dad - Little things like that. I appreciate Eli, and the 36 years he called Alabama games.

I know he loves the university. Just because he’s not a legendary coach or player doesn’t mean he isn’t considered legendary by many fans - even if to you he is nothing more than an “announcer”.

To each their own.
The one thing I really enjoyed about Eli is that he wasn’t the typical obnoxious homer behind the microphone that everyone hires. He wasn’t constantly complaining about refs or becoming bigger than the moment with stupid sports sayings and talking over the moment. He was far more professional than the typical college football play by play guys so I always felt we were unique in that.


TideFans Legend
Apr 13, 2012
The one thing I really enjoyed about Eli is that he wasn’t the typical obnoxious homer behind the microphone that everyone hires. He wasn’t constantly complaining about refs or becoming bigger than the moment with stupid sports sayings and talking over the moment. He was far more professional than the typical college football play by play guys so I always felt we were unique in that.
I enjoyed his game calls. Back in the day, I would sync up his game calls to my TV and listen to him instead of those idiots. But he has not been gracious at all in this. He says that Alabama wanted to lie because they were trying to coach the announcement of his separation in ways that would have looked better for him and the university. What Alabama proposed was exactly in line with typical announcements for this type of separation, no matter the truth.

Alabama has taken the high road here. They let him rant like a child while remaining silent.

This is a profession. Only the best get to work for schools like Alabama. Eli was no longer anywhere near the best. It was time for him to go, but he refused to see it, so he had to be forced out. I am not sure that I care for Stewart in this role, but Eli's time had come and gone. IMO, he should have retired years ago when he started slipping.


Feb 12, 2006
I'm done with Eli now. Regardless, whether he wanted to continue in his role calling Bama games it was not his prerogative or right to do so. Bama likely operated within his/CTSN contract.

He has gone on the media roadshow to throw shade on Byrne and Bama all the while not acknowledging his own refusal gestures to make it a positive for all parties.

By his actions, he thinks he is bigger than the program.


Hall of Fame
Jun 4, 2002
Hopewell, VA
I don’t think it’s fair to make that assumption. Maybe he felt the 36 years he gave to the University should have meant something. Maybe what was offered to him really was a slap in the face.

It’s weird everyone on here just blindly defending the university, and now all the sudden making assumptions about a man who - make no mistake about it - is loved by the majority of the fan base…as well as he should be.
What exactly does the university owe him?

He's an announcer...he got paid to do his job until the university decided he was no longer getting paid by the university.

And aren't you making an assumption by speculating "Maybe what was offered to him really was a slap in the face."?

It is what it is.


BamaNation Citizen
Jan 11, 2019
I kind of admire how Eli is actually telling us what happened. I don't think it reflects badly on anyone. I don't think Eli needs to give cover to Byrne and Alabama. They didn't opt to renew the contract and Eli is out. Seems like Eli is telling it how it is.


Jul 11, 2007
Even though Ely was a good announcer at some point he is by far not the best announcer UofA ever had, that title would go to not a Yankee but the voice of the Yankees, Bham born and UofA grad Mel Allen, just adding a little perspective to all this drama.
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Mar 8, 2023
Here's my take:

Personally: I hate to see him go due to how much I enjoyed listening to him over the years, especially as a student.

Professionally: His work product has fallen off over the last couple of years. Regardless of any scheduling issues, etc. if the University deemed he was no longer the best choice for the job, that's their prerogative, and I find it hard to argue against it.


Hall of Fame
Sep 1, 2019
BTW…from what I gather..what was offered him is he could call the A day game, pretend he is retiring (when he is not), and then ride away into the sunset…after 36 years.

I don’t think you have to have much of an ego to consider that offensive. Eli deserved better. The university was wrong. Stop victim blaming.
Eli is no victim. His employer wanted to part ways, but went out of its way to offer him all sorts of things. He could have accepted, like most would, and lived on as a legend in Bama lore. He'd have had a suite named after him or something. He could have come back as one of the guys and sat in the booth as a guest commentator for a game here and there. He could have been the center of attention for A-Day and been given all sorts of recognition.

Instead, he chose to burn that all down and let his ego speak. Now, instead of being an icon at the university....he parted on bad terms and none of those things will happen.


BamaNation Citizen
Jan 11, 2019
Eli is no victim. His employer wanted to part ways, but went out of its way to offer him all sorts of things. He could have accepted, like most would, and lived on as a legend in Bama lore. He'd have had a suite named after him or something. He could have come back as one of the guys and sat in the booth as a guest commentator for a game here and there. He could have been the center of attention for A-Day and been given all sorts of recognition.

Instead, he chose to burn that all down and let his ego speak. Now, instead of being an icon at the university....he parted on bad terms and none of those things will happen.
I don’t believe he burned anything down. He is just stating the facts as he sees it. I don’t really see any bad guys here.


Feb 20, 2005
This is so touchy, much like JoPa (pre-scandal), Bobby Bowden, and many others. You have someone who has been a part of the fabric of a program for multiple generations (I'm 40 and I've never listened to anyone but Eli broadcast Bama football), he's a great guy and is beloved by many people. But, it IS a business and he's clearly not the same as he was before his fight with cancer. I've always been an Eli fan, some have not, but it's noticeable. The University (which I ultimately feel is a money grubbing moster) feels that the product is suffering and wants to make a change. I'm sure Eli is hurting and feels like he's a good as he ever has been. Nobody comes out good in this instance. I hope Eli and the University can be reconciled in the future.


Hall of Fame
Feb 22, 2017
Saban got to 72 realized he wasn't where he wanted to be from a performance standpoint and retired. I wish more people functioned that way. Sometimes it is time to move on and time for people retire. When you have a cool or powerful gig that you really love I'm sure it is harder to call it quits. But just because you want to keep going doesn't mean you still should. Idk. To each their own I guess

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