News Article: Jimbo Fisher's job is in jeopardy


Hall of Fame
Apr 29, 2002
Since this thread has gone off the rails, anyone think Mel Tucker might get hired as defensive analyst next year?


Hall of Fame
Apr 29, 2002
Since this thread has gone off the rails, anyone think Mel Tucker might hired as defensive analyst next year?


Sep 27, 2016
Cobb County GA
Who is everyone going to cheer for Saturday in the Auburn/Texas AM game?

I don't really like either coach or either team. Wish they could both lose.
For this season, although it is too early to tell right now, I will cheer for whatever helps Bama win the West . I do think Texas AM wins the game Saturday.


1st Team
Feb 1, 2002
Tuscumbia, AL
Who is everyone going to cheer for Saturday in the Auburn/Texas AM game?

I don't really like either coach or either team. Wish they could both lose.
For this season, although it is too early to tell right now, I will cheer for whatever helps Bama win the West . I do think Texas AM wins the game Saturday.
Easy answer. Aggies


Publisher and Benevolent Dictator
Staff member
Apr 9, 1999
Silicon Slopes
Who is everyone going to cheer for Saturday in the Auburn/Texas AM game?

I don't really like either coach or either team. Wish they could both lose.
For this season, although it is too early to tell right now, I will cheer for whatever helps Bama win the West . I do think Texas AM wins the game Saturday.
Better answer: The referee in the replay booth. ... Hoping he gets plenty of airtime.

Isaiah 63:1

Dec 8, 2005
Probably at 35k or in an airport somewhere
I think it's bigger than that, the SEC dominated college football because of the talent pool in the south and because money was not allowed in the recruiting process. Now that it is you're going to see all the power shifting to the big money states, Texas, California, New York, wherever money is limitless you're going to find de-facto NFL teams coached by big personalities like Sanders and the rest of college football will exist only to give them a schedule to play. Saban will be part of a nostalgic period prior to Money Ball.
Moneyball is likely the kind of divergent approach that will be necessary for smaller market universities' programs to survive, let alone thrive, in the era of NIL, because it's all about how to win without competing with the big market teams on money.

In an MLB environment unconstrained by a salary cap, the discipline of smaller payrolls forced small market teams to find hidden value in players that teams with more money than sense overlooked. If you review the 22 World Series this century, the average payroll rank of the participants is 11th (out of 30 teams). While only one team outside the top 20 has won it in that stretch, more than half as many teams below 20 have participated (7) than have teams in the top 5 (12). The largest payroll has won a total of 2 of 22 titles. You can't say there's no correlation between payroll and winning the World Series, but you can’t say it's causation either. And if you look at overall winning percentages, not just world series titles, the correlation coefficient appears to be close to 0. Case in point: the top two winning percentages in the AL this year belong to teams ranking 28th and 29th in payroll, while a team with the 6th highest payroll was among the first eliminated.

Assuming the current wild west environment in CFB remains (and I don't actually assume that, because I am not convinced there is a business case for the necessary NIL investments), someone will figure out how to apply Moneyball principles to the sport. A program like Alabama's - more rich in tradition and TV exposure than in cash - would be a prime (no pun intended) candidate to do to so if it decides not to try to (or just plain can’t) keep up with the programs in bigger dollar locales.


Aug 20, 2007
Birmingham, Ala
Who is everyone going to cheer for Saturday in the Auburn/Texas AM game?

I don't really like either coach or either team. Wish they could both lose.
For this season, although it is too early to tell right now, I will cheer for whatever helps Bama win the West . I do think Texas AM wins the game Saturday.
I'm pulling for the Aggies because I never pull for the barn.
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Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Funny, everyone here says "$70m is nothing for A&M" yet the folks I know who are close to A&M are suggesting it's not nearly that cut-and-dried. Apparently the money is a bit of an issue, complicated by the fact the the current AD and BoR are the ones who extended Jimbo's crazy contract in 2021. I'm hearing the money is much harder to come by as the boosters aren't throwing more good money after bad, and there's little confidence that these same people will choose wisely in replacing Fisher.

So from what I've heard, the money isn't just sitting there awaiting Bjork to pull the trigger - sounds like it's a lot more complicated than how many games Fisher may or may no win...


Hall of Fame
Dec 12, 2007
Gulf Breeze, FL
Funny, everyone here says "$70m is nothing for A&M" yet the folks I know who are close to A&M are suggesting it's not nearly that cut-and-dried. Apparently the money is a bit of an issue, complicated by the fact the the current AD and BoR are the ones who extended Jimbo's crazy contract in 2021. I'm hearing the money is much harder to come by as the boosters aren't throwing more good money after bad, and there's little confidence that these same people will choose wisely in replacing Fisher.

So from what I've heard, the money isn't just sitting there awaiting Bjork to pull the trigger - sounds like it's a lot more complicated than how many games Fisher may or may no win...
And yet an SMU booster said "it's a couple hundred million, I'm not losing sleep over it" last week. Texans are weird lol
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Jan 8, 2003
Argo, AL, St Clair
I'm pulling for the Aggies because I never pull for the barn.
I'll be pulling for the Aggies as well but I think Auburn is going to beat them in a wild game. This is Auburn's MO, let the program fall to crap, hire latest snake oil salesman for coach, he has this burst of unexplained success, followed by high expectations of a championship, they fall just short (unless Cam is the QB) more high expectations, under achievement, followed by outright failure, then the coach is fired, and they look for the next hot name of the week coach and the cycle repeats. - NEW Stuff!

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