Musk acquiring Twitter...

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TideFans Legend
May 25, 2003
Mountainous Northern California
From the article:

By the numbers: 73% of all respondents said they support removing posts that probably have false information, with just 20% saying they oppose removing those posts.

  • 83% said they support removing posts that promote violence against particular individuals or groups.
  • 79% said they support removing posts that pose a risk to the public.
  • Americans are more divided on taking down political posts. Just 47% support removing posts that promote political action, while 40% oppose it.
  • And 54% support removing posts that contain heated political rhetoric, with 36% opposed.
Yes on the first three, no on the last two.
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Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
Could be, but all I've seen is guesses and opinions - nothing from Musk, except that he's already liquidated what he needed from TSLA for the deal.
Yes, but the value of the rest of the stock he put up has plunged. And Twitter's stock has dropped down to where it's almost $10 below his tender, indicating that the Wall St. sentiment is that it won't go through...


Staff member
Sep 9, 2002
Yes, but the value of the rest of the stock he put up has plunged. And Twitter's stock has dropped down to where it's almost $10 below his tender, indicating that the Wall St. sentiment is that it won't go through...
Not arguing, as I honestly couldn't care either way (though I do believe Twitter could use some fresh thinking, so to speak), but he's worth far, far, far more than his bid.

And the reality is Twitter's own stock evaluation was well below what it was trading at when he offered.

We'll see, but right now it feels like there are a lot of hopeful articles that it won't work rather than those focusing on the reality of his ability to focus the finances.

IOW, if I were going to bet cash, I'd bet it on Elon. He's been very successful in this world for decades because he understands it.
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Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
Not arguing, as I honestly couldn't care either way (though I do believe Twitter could use some fresh thinking, so to speak), but he's worth far, far, far more than his bid.

And the reality is Twitter's own stock evaluation was well below what it was trading at when he offered.

We'll see, but right now it feels like there are a lot of hopeful articles that it won't work rather than those focusing on the reality of his ability to focus the finances.

IOW, if I were going to bet cash, I'd bet it on Elon. He's been very successful in this world for decades because he understands it.
His record indicates he's started a lot of projects and then just dropped them after losing interest. I have no doubt that he can do it. It just depends on the amount of discomfort he's willing to bear. I think there are a lot of people hoping he won't and I'm one. I think he'll be a material part of putting Trump back in the White House, if he does take over...


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Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
Here is a WaPo article which sums up my thoughts on this whole wacky deal. The author has impeccable credentials and won a Pulitzer for his columns leading up to the 2008 crash...

At some point in the not-too-distant future — once the hype has finally drained from the tech-crazy stock market and defaults start to roil the overleveraged credit markets, once housing prices fall back to earth and the crypto fantasy is dispelled, once we’ve settled into an extended period of stagflation — people will look back at this moment and say, “What were they smoking.”
I’m going to go out on a limb here and predict that we will come to see this deal as a market top, when sky-high valuations and over-indebtedness reach a convulsive crescendo in a megadeal driven by hype, overconfidence and ego. In many respects, it is reminiscent of AOL’s disastrous takeover of Time Warner two months before the massive tech and telecom bubble burst in the spring of 2000.

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Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
I didn't get paywalled, but some might. Same article.

Thanks. I don't think many realize he already has half of the value of his (overvalued) Tesla stock pledged. The stock has slid from $1200+ last fall to $870 today. Much more and his equity will not equal the loans he proposes to risk it on as collateral. Then, he gets the dreaded call from the bankers - more collateral or pay up. After this, he would only have 5 billion left in pledgable Tesla stock. The whole scheme is idiotic and does remind me of the .com bubble. My only regret is that, when he finally gets overextended, he'll take SpaceX down with him and it's a worth endeavor.Tesla would go too, not that I care. In a few years, people will start realizing that their car needs a $22K "overhaul" every few years. I would have had to spend $44K so far on my truck just to keep it running. Tesla is due for a big adjustment, trading at a PE of 118. BTW, Twitter has no PE. It's lost money the last two years, with a cash outflow of $370 million last year alone...
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Hall of Fame
Feb 12, 2006
He might have a chance of improving Twitter if hires Frances Haugen to run it.

Leading a portfolio of Tesla, Space X, and Twitter screams attention deficit when any of the 3 should demand one's full attention.


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Oct 13, 1999
Huntsville, AL,USA
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