* Do we sit on the sidelines and let everybody kill each other? The region has been nothing but blood and swords for millenias.
*Does the US and allies (M.E. and Europe) orchestrate a mini-Marshall Plan for Syria. With tons of benchmarks(respect for religious minorities, human rights, stamping out the arms flow to Hezbollah/Hamas, making peace with Israel, etc). Probably pie-in-the-sky.
I am sitting back laughing at Iran and Russia at the moment. Syria was always their easy pawn for mischief in the region. As of now, it's all cut off. Russia has its Saigon moment. Iran's been crippled by the hollowing out of Hamas/Hezbollah, and now this.
*Does the US and allies (M.E. and Europe) orchestrate a mini-Marshall Plan for Syria. With tons of benchmarks(respect for religious minorities, human rights, stamping out the arms flow to Hezbollah/Hamas, making peace with Israel, etc). Probably pie-in-the-sky.
I am sitting back laughing at Iran and Russia at the moment. Syria was always their easy pawn for mischief in the region. As of now, it's all cut off. Russia has its Saigon moment. Iran's been crippled by the hollowing out of Hamas/Hezbollah, and now this.