I think the truth lies somewhere between the "fire CKD" crowd and the "congrats on a great record breaking year" crowd. Did CKD have some extreme landmines coming into this job? Absolutely. Did CKD walk into a job where he already had enough talent on campus to win? Absolutely. We all saw some good things and some bad things. The challenge moving forward is to implement his culture and start getting his guys to buying in to the team mentality that he is trying to build. Hopefully one of the pillars of that is increasing discipline and mindset, which is something we have seen is an issue this year. I don't think CKD deserves to be showered in praise due to some massive failures this year but I also think we owe him some time to implement his culture and get players in town more suited for his style of play. I think it will be interesting to see how the offense evolves next season as CKD was hired under the guise of being an offensive genius. This season has been well short of that and things need to be ramped up quite dramatically in that area as well. His MO is being a players coach and loving on the kids. Nothing wrong with that, if that is his style but he would be best suited to hire some assistant coaches that aren't afraid to stick a foot where the sun doesn't shine. Cake and ice cream tastes great but it doesn't win you many football games. A coaching staff is like Tetris, you need all the pieces in place for it to work. Too many lovey dovey coaches on staff can create a soft and undisciplined team. With all that being said, I think the correct answer again is to wait and see...