A Unique Click means the number of times, as recorded by the server, a person visiting [TideFans.com], as identified by cookie or IP address, clicks on an ad, provided however, that a click on a specific ad by a particular visitor shall only be counted as a Unique Click once every 24-hour period.
The ads that count in our calculation are:
1) The large banner ad at the top of the page
2) the tall ad on the bottom right column
click thru rate = total number of ads validly clicked divided by total number of pages viewed
Let's say we have 50,000 pages viewed each day and 100 ads are clicked. that is a 0.20% click thru rate - our target. Also, the same person clicking on the same ad multiple times each day is NOT calculated in the numbers as a "valid click-thru" according to our ad serving company.