Information Automatically Logged
We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to administer our Web site. IP addresses are also logged within the message boards and may be used to eliminate and/or identify spammers or hackers. These do not identify any specific person, but help us in maintaining site and board security. This information is not disseminated in any way other than at a macro level (i.e. we received 100000 page views from 1000 different IP addresses) to any outside source.
In addition, you may be requested (by a TideFans staff member) to produce evidence of your identity due to multiple user names, previous spam registrations from the same IP address, etc. Such requests may include name, address, permanent email address and phone numbers. This information is not disseminated outside the staff. Refusal to provide such information may result in the suspension of your membership and/or posting privileges.